A few things you might be interested in downloading
Hopefully, as people start to learn about the new site and the word gets around, folks will start sharing information,
images, etc.. and we can expand this section.
Here's what I have for you now...
(right click on the link and click "Save as")
My Gedcom File
This is the latest 2020 version of my family database that you see when searching
on this site.
Columbia & Montour Counties History PDF
Historical and Biographical Annals of Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania,
Containing a Concise History of the Two Counties and a Genealogical and Biographical
Record of Representative Families...
Uncle GED
This is the program I used to generate the webpage version of my family tree file.
Uncle GED User Guide
This is the User Guide for the Uncle GED program that I used to generate the webpage
version of my family tree file.
If you have something you'd like to share here, let me know.
Or if you can think of something you've been looking for, let me know that too, I may be
able to find it and add it here.